Monday, September 28, 2009

i tried to be your picture perfect girl, but you were living in your own fantasy world.

its funny you know. were friends, but it doesnt really feel like that. it so hard to put into words. but here it goes.

so a girl from a big town met this boy from a small town in 2008 and they couldnt stop talking, k cut the bullshit, this isnt another fairytale.

we may not be "together" or in a "relationship" however you wanna define those two words, but we gave a new definition to "friendship"

friendship according to the life of vanessa hannay and zac petrucci:
"two people you care about each other, who reach out to each other, who are always there for one another, despite the differences, the heartbreak, the troubles, the past, two people who are not only willing but determined to make things work. two people who look at each other for what theyre worth on the inside, two people who love each other but will only say as friends because the truth is thats all those two people are meant to be right now. two people who reach for the stars together, share every thought and dream with each other, and arent scared of the future because they have each other. basically two people who experience together."

there are no limits on our friendship. i believe what we have is so strong, i dont think it will ever fade into the small figments of our minds. we are always going to be a part of each others' lives. and im thankful for that.

maybe i love you more than a friend, but im not going to ruin what we have right now.

so for now, zac petrucci, i love you as a friend.


Monday, September 7, 2009

all i do is think of you.

i look outside through the glass door
hoping that on the other side there is more
i look outside to the wilderness
and all i can do is think about how i miss
your hugs that followed every visit
falling asleep on the phone just listenin'
your voice that held my name so safe in your mouth
holding hands day in and day out
your kiss that made me fall in love
now i sit alone and look above
the sky holds no answers you see
all i get is clouds that stare back at me
when i go to sleep i lay there with no clue
all i can do is think about you 
i try to tell you again and again
that we are going to be together in the end
you say were fifteen we dont know what we want
i say live in the moment never give up
i only cry at the thought of goodbye
because i know we could work this out if we tried
our love is pure and that i am sure
you plus me is the only cure
i sit around thinking of what to do
because all i do is think about you
you think you know what is best
when in reality you know as much as the rest
dont make this mistake 
dont make this story a heartbreak
just this once please trust me
i know that we would both be happy
every two normal people fight
because no one is always right 
i love you and you love me
why cant that just be the end of the story
follow me lets do this together
you plus me only makes things better
so dont wait or hesitate when you know what to do
all i can do is think about you
