Tuesday, July 14, 2009

only fooling myself.

You say you love me;
Tell me babe what is love?
I thought it consisted of wonder and glee
So babe why aren't I smiling
You make my world spin around
You lift my feet up off the ground
I would bet my whole life's wishes
This is love
But who knows
Maybe I'm only fooling myself
Secrets secrets are no fun
So tell me are you being honest with me
Be open with me just this once
Is it love, oh is it love?
When I am with you
I enter a new world
You hold me in your arms
Yeah I love being your girl
But do you feel the same
You say you never lie
And sweetie I hate goodbyes
So tell me is this love 
I thought it was
But maybe I'm only fooling myself
We share our past, our present
We hope for the future
But I believe you don't want the same as me
I look up to the clouds,
Dream beyond the sun,
And say a prayer at night
That this is love; it cant last
Well then again, maybe I'm just fooling myself


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